Good morning! It looks like we will be having a beautiful, sun-filled day today. We had a line of nasty storms go through a couple of days ago, so it is a welcome change! We are also preparing for the upcoming nuptials of the eldest child of the bunch. That is a very weird experience for me, but one that I am delighted to be included in. The festivities start tonight.
We are continuing to settle into the new house and find our new rhythm. It has been a lot of yard work and painting and unpacking. In fact, it is almost time for the boys to have summer with their dad. I can't believe it has flown by so fast. It always makes me feel sad and like I have squandered the time. I know I haven't really, it is life, and they have to learn that, but I'm also learning more and more every day just how precious it really is.
Yes, I was creepy and used to take pictures of them sleeping. Probably wouldn't get away with that now. 015 always insists he's not sleepy and that sleeping is a waste of time. It can become a serious issue around here. But I think he's slowly starting to understand that it is a necessary evil. The top picture, the most recent, he was probably 9. I honestly can't remember why they both ended up in my bed that night. Probably bad dreams. When you are living those days (of not sleeping because someone kicked you all night) it is hard to keep in mind that they are precious days and it is bittersweet when you look back on them and miss them.
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