Monday, November 30, 2009

December Class & Kit

OK, I got the sample done for this, here it is....  I'll be posting the kit over on Etsy too....

Here's the kit first, $10, I don't think that is a bad price.  For the ones I ship out, keep in mind some of the product will vary slightly, and I don't think I'll be doing the scallop edges, as I cut those myself.  They'll be plain so you can dress 'em up however you'd like.

 Here are the NoteZ and TokenZ
 and BlockZ

and here is the link directly to the kit.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday Sale

OK, I can't figure out how to do a promo code through Etsy and/or Paypal (note to self, investigate sooner next year!) so if you email me your order today, I'll manually create the bill and give you a 30% off discount, from your entire order before shipping.  Just send me an email listing what you want to

Monday, November 23, 2009

have not been abducted by aliens....repeat....have not been abducted by aliens....

Your regular viewing program will resume momentarily, thank you for listening to this PSA....

OK, seriously, I've not fallen off the face of the planet, I swear.  But I have been very busy with Worship Team (Advent does start next week & we've managed to plan all the way to January!), finishing up the Adorn It project, and well life....

I have started working on new Christmas product, and it is printed out, so I hope to get it posted on the shop soon.  I'm also busy working on another Christmas project, this time for a class, and I will have a kit available on the shop too, once I get it put together.

I think that's it!

Back to your regularly scheduled program.....stay tuned for further information....

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The remaining Adorn - It Project

Here is the cover decorated, the christmas came from a mini ornament from hobby lobby.  you can see I took out the binder rings and actually used hemp instead.  on the outside I tied 2 big bows and hung the ornaments from there.

Page 9 with journaling done & the small page that I stamped on actually started out as one of those little acrylic boxes that soaps and stuff come in.  I just unfolded it and cut off the edges. Scallop JournalZ here

Page 10 is a manila envelope that i cut the bottom off of, so i would have the flap end in the book.  since it is bound, nothing will really fall out unless it is small.  You could also glue it shut, i suppose.

Page 11 was some leftover chip. More scallop JournalZ action here too.

Page 12 the journaling is directly on the page/bag.  This one's a kraft colored one.  Felt angel also from Christmas section of Hobby Lobby.

Page 13, I traced the numbers, cool effect, it is more leftover chip (I don't allow anyone I know to discard the good stuff!).  Round JournalZ used.

Another baseball card pocket cut down to just 4x4 here on Page 14.

Page 15 is another white lunch bag.  Journaling is done on a stamp, I believe an Autumn Leaves acrylic set.

I just hand-sketched the number for 16, and the journaling is on the bag again.  The paper #16 is on is "frosted", I guess would be the best description, so erasing pencil is easy, but make sure to use a sharpie so the ink sets well on it.

17 has another former acrylic box page on top, with some Queen & Co. Poinsettia trim on it, gorgeous!  17 is actually made from a red envelope.  Great for tucking little goodies in it.  Oh, and I gotta say, I still love my Making Memories Trinkets!  Scalloped JournalZ used again....

Page 18 is a BingoZ card (backside) with a JournalZ on the bottom.

Here you can see the front side of the bingoZ card.  I did not intend for the backside to be first, but I accidentally punched the wrong side, so then what do you do?!?!

#19 is another 8x8 chip, with a larger JournalZ.
Page 20 has a clock OverlayZ (not available yet unless you email me) on top, i trimmed it to a curve, but you could leave it straight too.  And again, it was just a scrap piece of chipboard I had left over from trimming the other pages.  The journaling is on a shipping tag from Hobby Lobby.  Yes, I'm an HL addict and I'll admit it! lol

I used to be very shy about using my handwriting on anything, lately I've been using it a lot and I have to admit, it is very freeing!  It is also very quick for me, which I like.

Thank you to everyone who has left such wonderful comments for me, it makes a scrapgirl's heart overflow.  Thanks also for being patient with me during my moment of insanity because I overbooked myself.  Luckily, everything is getting done, and everything is OK.


Now showing

New product available at the shop, here's a sample .  Wow, I thought I'd never get them all done, but they are there.  I'm going to start working on more Christmas product soon, so if you have suggestions, drop me a note!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Adorn It Blog Hop

Welcome everyone! my name is michelle (people call me elle for short!) roudebush & i run benzillascrapping.  when georgana announced she was doing a make it merry blog hop, i wanted to hop on the bandwagon (ok, there might be pun in there somewhere....), however, i didn't find out about it until tuesday, i think so, like everything i do, i decided to jump right in.  and of course i've never done one... originally i wanted to do a project similar to ali edwards' december daily so i set to work.  but as i was working, i really wanted to do some older christmas pictures, so it then morphed into more of a 25 stories album, and that's where it's stayed.  but i ran out of time, and one of the things of the blog hop was that it's supposed to be a finished project.  maybe i should have just done a card, but i was really inspired to do this.  so i will show you today what i have done, and get you moving on to the next blog in the list, and perhaps, if you like what you see, you'll come back to see the rest of it.

if you did not start at the beginning of the blog hop, please go here so that you can see everyone's lovely projects.

first i went through product & supplies to figure out what i wanted to use for my pages.
i tried to get a good mix of media, as i think that really makes it interesting (you can also check out the studio re-do in the background, it surely is messy!)

 here is the initial part of making the album.  the cover is actually a cardboard inset that came with a set of sheets that i got for 006's birthday last month.  when i saw it's cool shape, i couldn't help but keep it.  i don't do a lot of measuring, just lining up and cutting so for the outside i cut 2 squares, a rectangle for the binding and a couple of narrow strips for transition.  the inside is essentially the same, minus the strips.  be warned, this project will take a lot of paper (at least by my standards) minimum 6 12" sheets, more if you can spare.  great way to use up your stash, i used a ton of my older stuff, and i still just really like it.

if you can't tell, i'm using gel medium for adhesive as it is super tacky.  i think it works better than mod podge, but is much more expensive.  but it is extremely thick so it can be easy to use too much.  makes a great bond, really good for something that is going to be handled a lot.

after drying, it looks like this.  not too bad so far.  now i want to use binder rings to hold all the pages together, so i have to punch holes in the binding.  big bite to the rescue!

you can see him there in the background (i love the orange version, reminds me of my buddy warren) and you can also see the inside covers covered.  is that redundant?

next is a series of pages.....

oh, before i can punch, i need to sand everything down.  i like to use this method to trim up my uneven edgies...

i used the one page to line up where the holes are to go.

here's my big stack of pages waiting patiently for attention.....

 here are the rings in place.  i actually hate them, but now it is too late, but i did learn lots! like space them a wee bit farther apart.  not sure if there is a mathematical formula for that, but....

page 1 is 4 pockets of a sports card collector page. the number one is from my coasterbetz collection.

2 is some chip i cut to 6" square. the backside of page 1 has a journal spotz in it.

3 is a white lunch sack with the top trimmed down.  room for ???

4 is actually leftover packaging from a karen foster mini book.  i just covered up the logo, but i liked the neutral design. it also has one of my journalz spots

5 is the back side of said packaging, and a bingo card from my christmas collection.  the next page has an overlayZ in a music theme, also soon to be available at my store.

6 is again some up-cycled packaging, don't remember what from, perhaps the boys skivvies??? i just really liked the shape.

7 is a red envelope from hobby lobby.  nothing extremely fancy and another coasterbetz

and last, but not last, is 8, which is some upcycled chip, probably from the back of a paper pak, cut to 8" square.

sorry i don't have 9-25 done, but they will all be similar to this, please forgive me for running out of time.  your next blog to go peekie at is Sandra Correale at who has an absolutely beautiful couple of projects for your drooling oops, i mean, viewing pleasure....

thanks so much for putting up with my crazy sense of humor, lack of time management skills and inability to say no to something very fun, it has been a tremendous pleasure having you as my guest.  please stop back by soon!

i'm insane!

ok, so i'm trying to get the make it merry project done for the Adorn It blog hop & also decided it was a good time to re-do the studio a bit.  hellloooooo, what am i thinking..... oh, and i'm prepping the message for sunday and getting really nervous.  i think i'll post it monday over on the other blog.... also found some great stuff on clearance at hobby lobby last night.  love that store.  love the fact that 008 wanted a sketch journal of his own, rock on bro!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

cross my heart & hope to die....

...i've not forgotten my promise to upload new product to the shop.  got a little side-tracked getting a project together for the AdornIt Blog Hop & thinking of offering it as kit & doing it as a class..... stay tuned....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

she works hard for the money...

furiously working on getting the second half printed out so i can cut & post tomorrow.  wish me luck!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

new product a'comin....

i'm busy working on them, i'm hoping to get it finished up tomorrow or monday and get them posted early next week.  super-cute, i tell ya!

Monday, November 2, 2009

class kit

i have 1 for sale over on etsy, once it's gone, it's gone so go & get it!  lol